Our vision, purpose and leadership charter

Our vision, purpose and leadership charter

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Our vision

Working with you to make Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent the healthiest places to live and work.

Our purpose

  • giving children the best start in life so they can start school ready to learn
  • having the right services to help you live independently and stay well for longer
  • helping you receive joined-up, timely and accessible care, which will be the best that we can provide.

Our aims

Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare

Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare

Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access

Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access

Enhance productivity and value for money

Enhance productivity and value for money

Help the NHS to support broader social and economic development.

Help the NHS to support broader social and economic development.

Our leadership compact

  • We will be dependable: we will do what we say we will do and when we can’t, we will explain to others why not
  • We will act with integrity and consistency, working in the interests of the population that we serve
  • We will be willing to take a leap of faith because we trust that partners will support us when we are in a more exposed position
  • We will be ambitious and willing to do something different to improve health and care for the local population
  • We will be willing to make difficult decisions and take proportionate risks for the benefit of the population
  • We will be open to changing course if required
  • We will speak out about inappropriate behaviour that goes against our compact
Openness & Honesty
  • We will be open and honest about what we can and cannot do
  • We will create a psychologically safe environment where people feel that they can raise thoughts and concerns without fear of negative consequences
  • Where there is disagreement, we will be prepared to concede a little to reach a consensus
Leading by example
  • We will lead with conviction and be ambassadors of our shared ICS vision
  • We will be committed to playing our part in delivering the ICS vision
  • We will live our shared values and agreed leadership behaviours
  • We will positively promote collaborative working across our organisations
  • We will be inclusive and encourage all partners to contribute and express their opinions
  • We will listen actively to others, without jumping to conclusions based on assumptions
  • We will take the time to understand others’ point of view and empathise with their position
  • We will respect and uphold collective decisions made
Kindness & compassions
  • We will show kindness, empathy and understanding towards others
  • We will speak kindly of each other
  • We will support each other and seek to solve problems collectively
  • We will challenge each other constructively and with compassion
System first
  • We will put organisational loyalty and imperatives to one side for the benefit of the population we serve
  • We will spend the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent pound together and once
  • We will develop, agree and uphold a collective and consistent narrative
  • We will present a united front to regulators
Looking forward
  • We will focus on what is possible going forwards, and not allow the past to dictate the future
  • We will be open-minded and willing to consider new ideas and suggestions
  • We will show willingness to change the status quo and demonstrate a positive ‘can do’ attitude  
  • We will be open to conflict resolution

Our priorities