Learning disability and autism partnership

Learning disability and autism partnership

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The Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent system successfully transitioned from concentrating solely on the Transforming Care Programme to one of a wider ‘strategic learning disability and autism partnership (LDAP) on 1 April 2021. 

This has provided increased oversight across the system and has ensured renewed commitment to deliver the LDAP outcomes from each agency. The partnership has appointed the National Autistic Society (NAS) to support the ICB champion role and will provide additional capacity, expertise, and advice for the system.  

In addition, the Board is also working alongside the local self-advocacy group to secure support for people with lived experience who would wish to share their personal stories with the Board as well as establishing an Expert by Experience (EbE) focus group to embed lived experience and the service users voice across the entirety of the LDAP programme. 

Further work is required to set out our collective vision, aims and objectives for the system in a co-produced way with local people with lived experience.