Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

Home » Your health and care » Covid-19 » Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

Not sure about COVID-19 vaccination? Have questions? Want to talk to someone? We can help

We understand that sometimes, getting the COVID-19 vaccine isn’t a simple yes or no thing…

We are here to help.

Healthcare professionals from your local community want to come and talk to you about vaccination and answer any questions you have.

We want to talk to you, your friends, your family and other people in your community and make sure you have an opportunity to ask questions. So, if you are involved in a community group where we could come and talk to you, we would love to come along.

To request a healthcare professional come to your group, event or meeting, email us at:


Myth Busting Translated Leaflets


You can book an appointment at a vaccine centre or pharmacy or go to a walk-in clinic