Weight-related Interventions Tailored in Care for Health (SWITCH)

Weight-related Interventions Tailored in Care for Health (SWITCH)

Home » Weight-related Interventions Tailored in Care for Health (SWITCH)

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent’s Weight-related Interventions Tailored in Care for Health (SWITCH) is a specialised service to support people with managing the many contributing factors that can make reaching lifestyle and/or weight goals difficult.

It is designed to listen to a participants’ strengths and concerns, and understand the challenges they face, in reaching their personalised lifestyle goals.  The SWITCH multidisciplinary team then aims to offer appropriate assistance in reaching these personalised goals.

As SWITCH is in its pilot phase, the monthly participant numbers are limited, and this means SWITCH is unable to accept direct referrals. Participants will be offered a space onto the pilot by a first come, first serve basis, from the referrals received for weight loss by dietetic departments.

The SWITCH team involves:

  • Dietitians and Dietetic practitioners (Nutrition specialists)
  • Community connectors (specialists in linking with local support and activities)
  • Specialist Nurses (providing specialist medical screening)
  • Physiotherapists (Musculoskeletal specialists)
  • Endocrinologists (Hormone specialists)
  • Bariatric Surgeons (Weight loss surgery surgeons)
  • Psychologists (Mental health specialists)
  • GP’s with interest (General Practitioner specialising in weight management)
  • While also having direct links to Mental health and Wellbeing coaches

SWITCH has partnered with Patients Know Best, a free online patient portal that links with the NHS App, allowing you to contact the SWITCH team at any time when you are actively participating in the program.