Weight Management in Children

Weight Management in Children

Home » Weight Management in Children

This webpage has been designed to provide information to support children aged 0 to 18 years to manage their weight.

Children can become overweight when they get more energy from food and drink than they use through activity.

Overweight children are more likely to become overweight as adults. This could lead to long-term conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

Making changes to their diet and activity levels can help them reach a healthy weight.

Tips to help your child reach a healthier weight


  • Get active every day – find an activity they enjoy, such as sports, playground activities or walking to school
  • Aim to give them a healthy, balanced diet that includes fruit and vegetables, starchy foods, protein and dairy or dairy alternatives
  • Set realistic targets and involve your child in deciding what changes you’re going to make
  • Use rewards such as stickers or high fives when they reach their food and activity goals
  • Encourage a healthy attitude to eating – you can be a good role model by staying active and eating healthily
  • Help them get enough sleep – follow a regular bedtime routine and remove digital screens, such as mobile phones or tablets, from their bedroom at night


  • Do not give them adult-sized portions – use a smaller plate for their meals and start with small servings
  • Do not give them drinks high in sugar or fat – avoid fizzy drinks and consider swapping whole milk for semi-skimmed milk for children over 2 years old



  • The Complications from Excess Weight (CEW) clinics patient webinars

    The Complications from Excess Weight (CEW) clinics patient webinars form part of the solution in providing support to children and young people/families experiencing excess weight, who are waiting to receive care in the face of increasing demand.

    These videos are aimed at anyone who is:

    • Waiting for CEW clinic appointments
    • Being discharged/step down from CEW clinics
    • Unable to attend CEW clinics/those who do not fit the referral criteria

    Goal setting

    This video provides practical tips on how to set tangible goals and rewards for children on weight management.

    Supporting Children With Additional Needs

    This video outlines how we can support children with additional needs in managing their weight.