GP Led Project in Primary Care Clinics

<strong>GP Led Project in Primary Care Clinics</strong>

Home » GP Led Project in Primary Care Clinics

A Quality Improvement project undertaken by GP’s looking at anaphalaxis resources in a group of primary care clinics.


Project led by: GP Registrars, David Murcott and Shah Quadri Syed Abdul Azeem  

GP Group/Practice: Loomer Medical Group

This project was initiated by 2 GP Registrar’s, following their observations whilst working within one of their local clinic rooms.  It had been identified that the clinic room was displaying outdated guidance to anaphylaxis, together with storage of outdated emergency medicines.  This observation prompted a quality improvement project to improve the information available and reduce any associated risk.  


• Ensure up to date guidance is displayed at all times

• Ensure that the emergency drug trolley and storage of emergency medicines reflects this guidance

• Ensure a system is in place to avoid missing future guidance updates – mistake proofing

• Improved care and reduce clinical risk


Baseline measure of 8 clinic rooms:

7 rooms observed had out of date guidance

1 with no guidance

Improvements made:

Visual Control – revised posters – easier to follow and more visible

Reducing waste & mistake proofing – removal of outdated medicines

Measured outcomes

  • Each of the 8 clinical rooms reviewed now have the correct guidance displayed and access to appropriate emergency medicines
  • Monthly process now in place to check any updated guidance issued
  • Staff engaged and updated

Next Steps

It is intended that this will now be scaled up across 5 more surgeries in the Practice group. 

Opportunity for Shared Learning

Potential for further system learning across Primary Care. 

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