Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit

Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit

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Sensory processing needs are the differences in how a person’s brain receives and processes any sensory information and can have an impact on how they are able to interact within their environment.  Challenges can come at any stage of the sensory process.

The two Local Authorities, healthcare providers, and healthcare commissioners across the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care System have come together to produce the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit and Position Statement.  These documents have been developed in partnership in response to an increasing number of requests from school settings for additional support with sensory processing difficulties and the acknowledgement that locally there was a limited support for sensory processing difficulties. It is also important that there was and continues to be a joint approach in how partners address this area of need.

Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit

The Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit is a school facing resource and provides a Graduated Approach to sensory processing support to children and young people within an educational setting. It is intended to be used by teachers to support children and young people and offers information on supportive strategies to consider, how to conduct an environmental audit and suggestions for regulating activities, so that children can take part in daily activities in school. 

It can be used with all children and young people, including those with autism and social and emotional mental needs as it uses a general lens to look at sensory processing needs, rather than through condition specific lens.    

Click on the toolkit below to download to your device:

Position Statement

The purpose of the Position Statement is to provide guidance to professionals, practitioners and parents/carers who support children and young people facing challenges in managing their sensory processing needs. The aim is to promote consistency among professionals and reduce uncertainty for families. This position statement draws upon research and evidence and has been agreed by representatives of Health, Social Care and Education in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

The following organisations have come together to produce the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit and Position Statement.

How to use the toolkit

How to use the SEND toolkit


  • What age range can the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit be used with?

    What age range can the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit be used with?

    The toolkit has been developed for use with children and young people of school age, that is from reception age, through to Key Stage 4. 

  • I’m a parent can I use the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit at home with my child

    I’m a parent can I use the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit at home with my child

    While the toolkit is a school-based resource, with many of the activities, strategies and tasks designed to be used in a school setting, some of the background information and principles can be adapted and used within the home. 

    The partnership is exploring the possibility of developing a Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit that is parent facing and will support the child/young person in a home environment.

    There are also a number of resources that may be of help for you to access which can be found in the table on this page. 

  • I’m healthcare professional, can I use the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit

    I’m healthcare professional, can I use the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit

    While the toolkit is a school-based resource, with many of the activities, strategies and tasks designed to be used in a school setting, some of the background information and principles can be adapted and used within other environments.

    Small Changes Campaign - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, ICS is another source of information that explains what small changes can be made that will make a difference to people who may have Sensory processing needs. 

  • I’m from a community or voluntary organisation , can I use the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit

    I’m from a community or voluntary organisation , can I use the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit

    While the toolkit is a school-based resource, with many of the activities, strategies and task designed to be used in a school setting, some of the background information and principles can be adapted used within other environments.


    Small Changes Campaign - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, ICS is another source of information that explains what small changes can be made that will make a difference to people who may have Sensory processing needs. 

  • What is the Graduated Approach in Sensory Processing Needs

    What is the Graduated Approach in Sensory Processing Needs

    The graduated approach is about giving children and young people the support they need when they need it.  There should be a clear cycle of assessment of progress, planning, putting in place the appropriate support, and reviewing a child or young person’s progress. This is known as 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review'.


  • What is Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) Therapy® ?

    What is Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) Therapy® ?

    Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) Therapy® is an intervention approach based on Ayres Sensory Integration theory.  It is delivered directly by a qualified sensory integration practitioner and is intended to be carried out in a clinic setting using specific equipment.  It aims to change a person’s sensory processing through direct, intensive input. 

    We need to take an evidence-based approach in what services and interventions are commissioned and delivered locally.  Therefore, in following an evidence-based approach and guidance from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, as a local area Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent shall not commission specific ASI® Therapy.  You can read the position statement here. 

  • When will the Position Statement be reviewed

    When will the Position Statement be reviewed

    The position Statement will be reviewed annually. 

  • How will you measure the impact that the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit has

    How will you measure the impact that the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit has

    The collection of qualitative and quantitative data to understand the impact of the toolkit is being explored across the partnership. 

    If you have any experience of using the toolkit and would be willing to share this, please contact

Useful links and resources

Sensory Characters (shown in the Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit)Download sensory characters
SENDCO Hub Stoke-on-TrentHome – SENDCo Hub: The Stoke-on-Trent Graduated Approach
The Local Offer for Staffordshire and the Local Offer for Stoke-on-TrentSEND Local Offer – SEND Local Offer Staffordshire Connects | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer
Parent facing resourcesFalkirk Council Children with Disabilities Team have published some helpful resources which provide lots of useful information and ideas for supporting your child’s sensory behaviours. Making Sense of Your Sensory Behaviour – A Sensory Approach for Parents and Carers Life Skills for Little Ones Life Skills for Teenagers  
Stoke-on-Trent Council – Understanding Sensory Processing TrainingThis face to face training is delivered by Inclusive Learning Services Autism Team. For more information about this training, please contact
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – Making sense of behavioura5 booklet (  
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – Fear of NoiseFear of Noises Information Sheet (  
National Council of Special Education – Movement Breaks in the ClassroomNCSE-Movement-Breaks-in-the-Classroom-Booklet.pdf