Provider collaboratives

Provider collaboratives

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Provider collaboratives are partnership arrangements involving at least two NHS trusts working at scale both within and outside of our Integrated Care System, with a shared purpose and effective decision-making arrangements, to:

  • reduce unwarranted variation and inequality in health outcomes, access to services and experience
  • improve resilience by, for example, providing mutual aid
  • ensure that specialisation and consolidation occur where this will provide better outcomes and value.

Provider collaboratives can be focused on delivering a range of our system priorities and represent just one way that our providers collaborate to plan, deliver and transform services. Collaboratives may support the work of others including clinical networks, Cancer Alliances and clinical support service networks.

In our Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent system we have established a Board to support and oversee the continued development of our provider collaboratives with representatives from our local NHS acute, community and primary care providers, Local Authorities and our Integrated Care Board.

We have agreed a set of design principles and a programme of collaborative development including clinical and non-clinical services.

These are:

Joint Working: The collaborative will focus on building trust and relationships across organisations, committing to a shared vision and outcomes, with clear methods for reaching decisions.

Population-focused: The collaborative will focus its work on the population of S&SOT, identifying relevant population outcomes using PHM approach at the centre of its focus.

Engagement-led: The collaborative will ensure there is sufficient and appropriate co-design with patients, service-users and the wider public to identify and form our priorities for change.

Data-driven: The collaborative will be driven by data, both in choosing its priorities but also measuring its performance and holding partners accountable where needed.

Cross-place: The collaborative will only focus on those areas where collaboration at scale is appropriate and problems require the input of at least two providers.

Efficient and sustainable: The collaborative will support the delivery of existing and future ICS/B priorities and work to consolidate and streamline oversight and assurance, only when appropriate to do so.

Learning Organisation: The collaborative will endeavour to be a learning organisation – facilitating cross-learning across partners and seeking to reflect on its own work regularly.

Latest updates

To the view the latest updates for the Provider Collaborative Board, please see the briefing papers below:

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – October 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – September 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – August 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – July 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – June 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – May 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – April 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – March 2023

Provider Collaborative Board Briefing Paper – February 2023