Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028

Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028

Home » Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028

As an ICS, we developed our first Joint Forward Plan, which was published on 30 June 2023.

Whilst it was always expected that systems would review and refresh their plan each year, as required, NHS England published additional guidance for Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to consider on December 22, 2023 and 17 January 2024.

As our priorities from our first Joint Forward Plan, published in June 2023, remain unchanged, this annual review has focused on any developments or new guidance published since June 2023.  It is intended on being an accompanying piece and the documents should be read together.

What is in our Joint Forward Plan

Here is the Joint Forward Plan Update published on 8 April 2024.

We have split the updated Joint Forward Plan into two distinct parts. 

From reading part 1 of this plan, you will get an overview of our ongoing challenges and how we have built on our ambitions, progress over recent months and updated national guidance.  Within each section, where relevant we have included Operational Case Studies which demonstrate examples of work we are doing – these are shown in blue boxes.  Throughout the document there are underlined words or sentences.  By clicking on any underlined text you will be taken to relevant external document or the page within the update. 

Part 2 of the plan is a series of appendices which provide an overview and some further detail of key areas of development since the publication of the JFP in June 2023 and a summary of which elements of our plan support meeting the statutory requirements placed upon the ICB.   

Below you will find the Joint Forward Plan published on 30 June 2023.

We split the first Joint Forward Plan into three parts.

From reading Part 1 of the plan, you will read about:

  • Why we need a JFP
  • our priorities and ambitions
  • how we will work together
  • our enablers to success including digital and people.

In Part 2 you will read about:

  • Our finance strategy
  • our wider system development ambitions
  • a range of themes which go across all our work, such as personalised care, integration and working with our voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) partners.

Part 3 of the plan is a series of appendices which:

  • Summarise how we will meet the statutory requirements placed on the ICB
  • an overview of portfolio high-level deliverable timelines
  • provide copies of supporting documents referred to in the main body of the document.

You can also read the summary document of the first JFP.  A revised summary document which pulls together the key elements from the first JFP and the update is currently in development.