Audiology self-referral

Audiology self-referral

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As of 29 September 2023, people living in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent who are having problems with their hearing are being given the option to self-refer into NHS audiology (hearing) services if they are eligible. 

Normally, people would have to have an appointment with their GP in order to get a referral to these services. However, this new option will make it easier for patients, by expanding the ways in which they can access the service and meaning that they are able to bypass the need to visit their GP practice. 

Some people with more urgent issues may still need to go to see their GP to get a referral. However, patients can check whether they are eligible to self-refer by answering a few questions about their hearing problem. 

To find out whether they are eligible to self-refer to local audiology services, patients must complete this short form. Alternatively, you can download and print off the form if you would prefer to fill in a paper copy. Once the form has been completed, if the patient is eligible, they can then contact their provider of choice by telephone or email to make an appointment. Patients may also be able to contact providers for help with completing the form. Please click here for provider contact details.

Easy read format

If you need to, you can complete this short survey in easy read format to find out if you can self-refer to local NHS hearing services. If you would prefer to fill in a paper version, you can also download and print this easy read self-referral form.

Patients should always see a GP first if: 

  • They have sudden or rapid hearing loss, persistent pain, vertigo (feeling like you or the environment around you is moving or spinning)
  • They have tinnitus (e.g. internal sounds in the ear) in one or both ears lasting for more than five minutes at a time, or that is in time with their heartbeat/pulse, or that is severe enough to disturb their sleep
  • They are worried about their child’s hearing 

Find out more about hearing loss.

You can download digital and print-friendly versions of the audiology self-referral information poster below: