Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

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What is ‘Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)?

Improving health and care across our Integrated Care System

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in our Integrated Care System (ICS) is the umbrella approach to improvement that unites partners under a set of common improvement principles and priorities. Our shared purpose enables us to work together to co-produce measured and sustained improvements that provide improved outcomes and experiences for those people that use our health and care services.

View our 3 minute video which provides an ‘Introduction to Quality Improvement (QI) within health and care services’   

Our shared principles and practices are:

  • Keep people at the centre by involving Service Users, Carers and staff in all elements of change
  • Use an agreed Quality Improvement method and facilitative approach to change, to allow for the testing of changes in a controlled manner
  • Use data to identify and understand problems, assess impact of change and evidence improvements
  • Have leaders that support, empower, challenge and unblock to support change.

Our shared priorities to deliver this are to:

  • Build capacity and capability to undertake Quality Improvement 
  • Embed Quality Improvement through all levels of change
  • Share best practice and learn together.

Please view our short video for an introduction to Continuous Quality Improvement.

How can you get involved in Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)?

  • Working together

    Working together

    Improving services and outcomes in range and quality

  • Co-production


    Creating a culture of Quality Improvement which is embedded and sustained

  • Better patient care

    Better patient care

    Getting it right for the people we serve and our people, now and in the future

  • Learning, growing, sharing

    Learning, growing, sharing

    Build relationships and influencing change across our Network

    Quality Improvement Network Events

    Our network events are open to anyone interested in improving services through Quality Improvement and are hosted by organisations within the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).

    This is our main forum open to all those interested in improving services through Quality Improvement.  Download the Quality Improvement Charter to learn more.

    To access guidance and signposting for Quality Improvement training, resources and support please complete our Support Request Form. This support request function has been developed to better support staff and members of the public, who have a shared ambition to improve services, by providing them with a range of quality improvement resources, training, tools and guidance.  These resources are aimed to enable our staff to co-produce impactful and sustained improvements with those who use our services …. our ‘experts by experience’. You can also email any enquiries to