Oliver McGowan Training

Oliver McGowan Training

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What is the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training?

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is named after Oliver McGowan, whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role. 

The Oliver McGowan training was created as part of the Oliver McGowan campaign. The campaign is led by Oliver McGowan’s mother, Paula McGowan OBE, who believes that all health and social care staff should have the right skills and knowledge to provide safe, compassionate and informed care to people with autism or with a learning disability. 

Watch this video to listen to Oliver’s story.

Our training is delivered in partnership with people with lived experience of a learning disability or autism. In this video, we have asked them why this training is so important and why all health and social care professionals needs to do it.

To compliment the Oliver McGowan training, we have created ‘But you don’t look autistic?’. When you think of an autistic person perhaps you think of Rain Main or Sheldon Cooper? This video will introduce you a number of autistic people… and perhaps challenge the assumption that there is a stereotype.

Who should complete the Oliver McGowan training?

The Health Care Act 2022 introduced the requirement that from 1 July 2022, service providers registered with the CQC must ensure their staff receive training on Learning Disability and Autism awareness. The preferred and recommended training is the Oliver McGowan training. 

The training is split into two parts, with the second part split into two tiers. Healthcare staff must complete the tier most appropriate to their role.

If you are a health or social care professional in Staffordshire or Stoke-on-Trent, please visit our booking site to book your training.

Supporting Materials

Below you will find a range of materials and easy read versions that you can download and share in support of the Oliver McGowan training:

General information leaflet

General information leaflet (easy-read version)

Information guide for co-trainers

Information guide for co-trainers (easy-read version)